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V6 vs V8: Which Is A Better Option?

You’ve definitely heard much about car engines, and now it’s time for you to choose the one you should have on your next vehicle. Should you go for a V6 or a V8 engine? Which of them guarantees a better performance? Let’s see.

Well, when selecting a new car, there are many things to consider, including the engine performance, maintenance cost, reliability, features, and resale value. Choosing between V6 and V8 can be quite confusing if you don’t know much about “V” type engines.

In very basic terms, V6 refers to an engine with 6 cylinders, and V8 refers to an engine with 8 cylinders. Yes, the increase in the number of cylinders is for a purpose – mainly for a better performance. But that’s not all you need to know. In this V6 vs V8 comparison article, there’s more to know. Read on.

What Is A V-Type Engine?

What Is A V-Type Engine

Put simply, a V-Type engine is a type of auto engine, which has its cylinders arranged in a “V-shape.” You’d mostly see this type of engine on car models from Toyota, Kia, Nissan, Ford, and pretty many other auto manufacturers.

There are many types of this engine, ranging from V4 to V12. It is the number of cylinders in a V-type engine that makes it a V4, V6, V8, or V12 model. With our focus being the V6 and V8 models, this article details the aspects where the V6 champions over V8, and vice versa.

The Key Differences Between V6 And V8 Engines

Advantages of V6 Engine Over V8

The number of cylinders aside, there are quite many aspects where these two models of V-type engines differ. V6 is easier to produce, cheaper to afford, and lighter in weight, which is what some people would love.

On the other hand, V8 promises better performance and stability. Featuring a higher displacement than V6, V8 engines are pretty heavier and cars built with this engine are typically pricey. But if you frequently drive on rough roads, V8 is the ideal option.To better distinguish between these two engine models, let’s break it down into PROS and CONS.

Advantages Of V6 Engine Over V8

We’ve all heard that V6 engines are lighter in weight, and vehicles with this engine are cheaper to afford; but, are there other PROs of riding a car with a V6 engine?

1. Efficient Fuel/Gas Economy

Typically, V6 engines consume less fuel than V8 because it uses 6 cylinders compared to the 8 cylinders on V8 engines. Easy to say, the more the cylinders, the higher the fuel consumption.

2. Cheaper Maintenance

There is less metal spinning around in V6 engines. Mechanically, fewer moving parts can be easy to fix, and can also mean cheaper repair/maintenance costs.

3. Revs Up Easily with Less Noise

It is easier to accelerate with a V6 engine compared to a V8 counterpart. This is because the V6 engine has lower rotational inertia as there is less metal spinning around the engine.

More so, the noise you’d hear accelerating a V6 engine is not as loud as what you’d hear when revving up a V8. Well, some people love the V8 sound anyways, chuckles.

4. Takes Lesser Space Under The Hood

V6 engines occupy lesser space under the hood, giving space for other components to be properly situated and connected to the right plugs and systems.

Disadvantages Of V6 Engine Over V8

As the popular maxim goes, “everything that has an advantage, also has a disadvantage.” V6 engines slack in certain areas, and these might be the areas that matter the most to you.

1. Performance

This is guessable; a V6 engine delivers poorer performance compared with a V8 engine.

2. Not Good For Towing

Notwithstanding the fact that a V6 Ram or any other pickup vehicle could be used for towing, it is not advisable to use a vehicle with a V6 engine for towing.

Advantages Of V8 Engine Over V6

Although V8 engines are heavier and occupy more space in the bay, it is the choice of some sets of individuals because of the following advantages.

1. Deliver More Power, Torque, and Durability

Clearly, a V8 engine has more cylinders than V6, and thus, it produces more power and torque.

2. Better Stability and More Speed

Although a V6 engine would rev up faster than a V8, when the V8 charges up, it delivers more speed than V6s. Also, vehicles with V8 engines offer more stability when used to tow other vehicles or hauling loads in the trunk/cargo.

3. Smooth Driving On All Road Types

With a V8-engine vehicle, you can tour any terrain while enjoying a balanced, smooth driving experience. V8 is seen in upscale vehicles.

Disadvantages Of V8 Engine Over V6

1. Expensive

Cars with a V8 engine are typically expensive because they’re pitched as a higher variant of a V6 counterpart. Well, they are the higher variant anyway.

2. Consumes More Fuel

With up to 8 cylinders used in the engine setup, V8 engines consume more fuel/diesel/gas than their V6 counterparts.

What More?

Choosing between V6 and V8 depends on you. Yes, would you prefer a faster, stronger, more powerful vehicle over a cheaper, reliable, fuel-efficient, and decent alternative? V8 vehicles are generally more powerful and reliable than V6 models – but this doesn’t imply that V6 vehicles are not reliable.

Conclusion: V6 vs V8, Which Is The Best?

While V8 vehicles are more expensive than their V6 counterparts, they are worth the buy if you need an everyday vehicle and you frequently drive through rough terrains. However, this does not dispute the fact that V6 vehicles are still durable, fit for driving through various terrains, and highly efficient in saving more fuel. The choice is still yours to make, but I hope that this article helps you in making that decision. Apparently, the new V6 engines on modern cars are well advanced and can be used for towing or carrying loads.

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Photos credit: shutterstock

About George Bradley

George is an enthusiastic blogger and an auto mechanic expert whose mission is to provide the readers with the best tips, guides, and recent events in the automotive industry. He has been involved in researching on various topics that are essential to the car owners, especially when it comes to an understanding, maintaining and handling their vehicles.

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